Sunday, August 20, 2006

Uncle Shon and Ava

Ava and Grandpa preflight the plane before the trip to FL
Captain WxBee living the dream of an airline pilot.

As if flying 9.5 hrs the day before wasnt enough, dad and I went with Robert T. in his Super Viking 300 to get some breakfast!
Good thing we had the GPS and Sectional, for a second I thought we were back in Russell. Landing in Hollywood North Perry Airport

Dad do you have the airport in site?
First stop in Greenwood Miss. Dad wanted to take home some airplane parts, as this is a graveyard for DC-10, 727, 747s and many more airliners. The planes are cut up and sold for scrap aluminum

Taking off at Gardner KS at 630am for our trip to Fort Lauderdale FL