Friday, July 27, 2007

Two of the best pilots!!!

Hard at work!

No worries I have insurance!!

Not sure, but I think this is beautiful!
I think this is the left Office window!

My office window!!!!

My computer!

My office!

My office building!

My first day online!!!! A Special Thank You to Dad and Mom for the support!!

My first Shuttle launch!!
Mike got tackeld by a girl and hurt his knee! He was responsible and iced it with Miller Lite!

Turn 4 at Indy

Turn 3 at Indy

Mike and I at the Indy 500
My first helicopter flight!! Cant wait to do it again

It was a close race, but then again i did start back about 30 feet

Super Bowl!! All it did was rain but it was a great time!!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Thatta Girl Ava!! Show dady how its done!!

Come on Shad just a few more seconds, Shay your holding in there, wait why do I have to hold on with one hand and you both get ot use two?

hanging out with Meghan at McDonalds on a rainy day

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Overhead Osborne airport just before landing to have dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. I was lucky the traffic was light that day so I was able to squeez in!

The nice thing about flying in Kansas is if you have an emergency you have plenty of place you can land!

Scuba diving in Key West! Not so beautiful weather but underwater was awsome! Many lobster maybe next time I will see if I cant put one in my pocket and cook it up for dinner!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Two of the three most beautiful girls in the world!!! The other is thier cousin Ava!!
Shon, Abby, and a baloon of Adora(SP?)
My trip to Canada with Captain WXBee and some of our friends

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Uncle Shon and Ava

Ava and Grandpa preflight the plane before the trip to FL
Captain WxBee living the dream of an airline pilot.

As if flying 9.5 hrs the day before wasnt enough, dad and I went with Robert T. in his Super Viking 300 to get some breakfast!
Good thing we had the GPS and Sectional, for a second I thought we were back in Russell. Landing in Hollywood North Perry Airport

Dad do you have the airport in site?
First stop in Greenwood Miss. Dad wanted to take home some airplane parts, as this is a graveyard for DC-10, 727, 747s and many more airliners. The planes are cut up and sold for scrap aluminum

Taking off at Gardner KS at 630am for our trip to Fort Lauderdale FL

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Shad and Shay relaxing before my graduation. Shay is tired from all his hard work of getting rid of his breakfast